Overview of PID Controller

Product Features

  • Proportional, Integral and Derivative functions can be checked on same board ( configurable as P,I,D, PI, PD,PID )
  • ON/OFF controller.
  • Square and triangular wave with variable frequency for testing PID.
  • Variable DC for set point.
  • Error detector.
  • Ist order system & IInd order system.
  • In built power supply.
  • Dead zone and disturbances generator.
  • Built-in 3 DVM for DC measurement with three range selection.
  • Voltmeter for DC measurement
  • Signals can be observed and measured at various blocks
  • On board Touch Switch

Scope of Learning

  • Study of ‘On/Off’ Controller
  • Study of open loop system
  • Study of close loop system
  • Study of close loop system with disturbance
  • Study of steady state error
  • Study of proportional Controller
  • Study of Integrator Controller
  • Study of Derivative Controller
  • Study of proportional + integrator (PI) Controller
  • Study of proportional + derivative (PD) Controller
  • Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) Controller
  • Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) in close Loop
  • Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) with first order system
  • Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) with Second order system

Product Description

TechBooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn Technology. Each TechBook is provided with detailed Multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information.

In Control System there are different types of Controllers. Study of twoposition mode as ON/OFF Controller and continuous Controller modes as PID controller is a very important part of control engineering. To have a basic idea and practical hands on Controllers PID Techbook has been designed to be used by students to investigate the principles of PID by applying different signals. With TechBook  Overview of PID Controller Students can study two-position mode as ON/OFF Controller and continuous Controller modes as P-control mode, I-control mode, D-control mode, PI-control mode, PD-control mode and PID control mode. These modes of Controller can be performed individually and also with different combinations in open loop and close loop system.

Users can easily understand the difference between the different modes of Controllers used. Square wave, triangular wave generator variable DC supply as set point and disturbance generator are provided on board.
Effect of PID can be seen on first order system and second order system in open loop and close loop system.