UNOO EDGE is a private-owned manufacturing and distribution company that focuses on the production and distribution of various consumer goods such as Educational products, Kids product, Fashion products, Information Technology Services such as ioT development, web development, software development. At UNOO EDGE, we understand the importance of brand identity and have worked tirelessly to build a brand with a reputation for excellence. We ensure all our productions are of world-class standard and make use of quality assurance procedures to ascertain consistency in the quality of our products.

Our team carries our market research to uncover untapped niche of consumer goods and position our company to cater to the pressing needs of consumers in those niches. We are developing a multi-channel distribution network, and also taking advantage of the various online avenues to distribute our products. We also open our distribution channels to other manufacturers whose operations align with our values of quality. Our goal is to become a key player in every subsector where we provide consumer goods. We take the welfare of the consumer seriously and have streamlined our products to be safe to humans and the environment as well. We continue to leverage our expertise, professionalism, technology, and eye for quality to enhance our portfolio with excellent consumer products.